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May 04, 2006



Prisoner with a plot that makes sense? What will they think of next?

The original show was pretty much the beginning of my DVD collection (so early in the phenomenon that they spread it over ten disks), and I still haven't got to the last few episodes. Maybe when sweeps are over ...


Comin' down in 3-part harmony!

Mary Kay

Hey! You're too young to get that reference. (I wondered if anyone would.)


Christopher Davis

If they're going to remake The Prisoner, they should also remake the old Apple II games based on it.


MG has horror, too, and lots of YA fiction (mostly fantasy-related) and will special-order other things if you ask.

Mary Kay

Nolly - I thought about mentioning horror explicitly but in my head it tends to be part of f&sf -- though not a part I read. There are a lot of parts of the broad f&sf field I don't much read. I went to MG last time I was down in SD with Jordin and was very favorably impressed. If GA ever gets off the dime on that job offer thing (they're still talking about it) and we move to SD I expect I'll spend a lot of time and money in that place!



Ahh, but i am just the right age to have been raised by a mother who listened to 3 Dog Night while i was growing up.


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