For my friends in the poly community: the UK discovers polyamory. (via Mind Hacks a really spiffy new blog which I found via Crooked Timber)
Most recent proof world is going to hell in a handbasket. (via Electrolite whose shining chromium and glass headquarters is entirely contained in office which is the 7th window to the left of the price)
I really love bacon and a good BLT is a thing of joy, but I had no idea!
How you, yes YOU, can bypass the bloated US textile and retail industries and buy unique, bespoke clothing directly from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. And why that's a good thing.
An interesting, if limited, tool for choosing interior and exterior paint colors. (via Hewn and Hammered -- a really spiffy blog if you've any interest at all in Mission or Arts and Crafts styles)
PG Tips (that's tea for those of you who swill down the Other Stuff) are celebrating their 75th anniversary by launching a blog with all sorts of historical info. (via Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down)
Tuesday is the 50th anniversay of the announcement of Salk's polio vaccine. I can remember getting the series of shots when I was 6, which would have been 1958. Also the oral vaccine several years later. Doctors have since speculated that I had a very very mild case of polio the summer I was 4. I was very ill -- running a high fever and vomiting -- and just as they were ready to put me in the hospital I improved and got well. My husband's mother had a mild case around the same time. She has a slightly paralyzed leg -- I have odder results. Although I'm right handed with a vengeneance the right side of my body is smaller and, in general, weaker than the left. (The exceptions are my left knee and ankle -- both damaged by accidents.) It was a very very scary time.
And I think that's enough for someone who hasn't blogged much for a long time.
Sister Flaming Sword of Moderation signing off for now